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Monday, March 21, 2011

The belly burn!

Well hello!! So here we are now all moved into our new little town of niceness :) yes thats what i call it because everyone here is friendly... i believe there is a population of 9-10,000 in this little coastal town of ours by the beach and it reminds me of a hallmark movie! ( oh by the way i haven't mentioned my obsession with those yet). Oh let's start with the move! Wow did we welcome ourselves to the neighborhood with our assembly line of suv's and our 26 ft u-haul! But one trip was the plan and one trip is how we did it! Let me tell you how my car went though because i am positive I got the poop end.. now here's why: My jeep liberty consisted of myself, my 11 yr old son, my chug (chihuahua/pug mix) yapper who whines during car rides, my english bulldog who has the worst flatulence problems in the world, and my 2 cats.... yes they made those god awful screaming noises, and that was my car the entire way here!! WOW!! Go me! I can tell you how excited i was to get out and breathe!! So we arrive followed by an acura mdx, a gmc terrain, then my brother-in-law's truck towing the dirtbike and scooter (yes mopehead type), and my little brother-in-law in the honda.... this is how we rolled into our new little quiet town.
 SO........ here we are now a week later... a few lingering boxes.... a bulldog in heat (soo gross!!) a cat that has ranaway and now came back... 2 kids 2 dogs 2 cats and us! Its been one can we say HECK of a week :) Mind you both off work and no school for the kids is now in play so all we've had is 24 hours of us time... sound like a dream?? HA!.. dont let it fool you..... we've had quite the excitement trying to adjust to this! My craft projects have mostly been on hold although im DYING to do some painting of furniture and making of soaps! But can't bring myself to bust out the big projects until every box is done! My husband and myself have literally drove each other from best friends, to playground grade school enemies :) to parents in a new town and back again... too many tiff's to mention but it always ends in a big laugh! WHICH BRINGS ME TOO.... THE BELLY BURN: end story ladies... when yelling at your husband for no real apparent reason and you think your the smart one with all your big comebacks at that moment.... do not.. and i repeat do not.... take the anger out on the burger you are making on your plate in front of him.... let me tell you, a little emotion put into putting my bun together and end factor was this almost cartoonist wild squirt of disgusting grease that burst through the hamburger straight against my shirt... and my to my skin!! I'm pretty sure my husband cannot look at me without laughing hysterically right now so i am happy he is with our older son in another room watching the event, as i sit here blogging with an ice pack on my tummy.... and that is how we came to "the belly burn" !!!!!!!!!!! Talk to you all soon, as i have some very funny stories to share... but for tonight this is all since my ice pack (frozen veggie pack) has now defrosted :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

bubble bath gone bad....

Well what a fun filled day full of getting nothing productive done but being constantly busy! You know those days i'm talking about... but oh well. So yes made the bubble bath today actually, let Caden pick out his own scent, ended up with fruit punch... made it while my mother in law was visiting and my husband was well...his mother was there so he was eating grilled cheese sandwiches and watching lets make a deal ;) Maybe I should also add that we are moving in 4... yes thats right 4 days to a new town!! So also put into effect that we are surrounded in boxes and both procrastinators... and my husband has recently lost his job so are we now in the group of unemployment and talk of the bad economy! Back to the bubble bath here's a good tip---- dont put fruit punch scented bubble bath in your kitchen... why?? let me tell you..... in one word.. ants :) yes ants and to finish the night off i wasn't aware they had gotten into it... so you can use your imagination when i had a 4 year old in a bath and the bubbles ran clear and there were 3 little tiny black dots in the water.. haha... just a glimpse into our life!! Tomorrow I have BIG PLANS!! FINISH PACKING... yes yes i just have to do it!! So wish me luck and i will continue on this new journey along with whoever wants to know.... good night!

the beginning of the wanna be housewife....

So here we are finally I am writing all the things I've wanted to share and get opinions on and couldn't decide how to do that. Like  I said i wear many hats and have played many roles in my life so far. Counselor/ Gossip girl all day at work at the salon :) Dont worry girls i don't share all the secrets, but ladies you know when you sit in one of our chairs you spill it! Next I have an amazing (dont we all say that?) 11 year old son in the 6th grade. Man has that been interesting! I have a new husband, we've been married almost 9 months and he is absolutely crazy and more talkative and out there than i am.. and he is my best friend in the whole world.. yes we're bff's haha.... next i was lucky enough to also gain a 4 year old stepson in the process who is just beyond hilarious... Like i said all different hats, wife, mom, stepmom, ex-wife, and many others :) This is why i want to share my experiences and stories and don't forget all my funfilled silly projects i have been obsessive about since I hit my 30's... what is that about????
So what to discuss today... well let's start with my project for the night...my 11 yr old Jordan, has now shut himself in his room like he does most days after school (mind you after he eats everything in my cupboards) and my husband is out picking up the 4 yr old and nights when Caden is here i always feel the need to start a project of some sort. So what tonight.. hmm..... im thinking homemade bubble bath??? Yes i believe that will be my project... oh and maybe muffins??? Yes this is what i am talking about.... I haven't even begun to tell you about the tutu's yet!! (ps.. i know i have boys haha) like i said... lots of ideas so let me know what you think and im going to let you know soon about tonights bubble bath :) Hopefully with pictures to follow!