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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

bubble bath gone bad....

Well what a fun filled day full of getting nothing productive done but being constantly busy! You know those days i'm talking about... but oh well. So yes made the bubble bath today actually, let Caden pick out his own scent, ended up with fruit punch... made it while my mother in law was visiting and my husband was well...his mother was there so he was eating grilled cheese sandwiches and watching lets make a deal ;) Maybe I should also add that we are moving in 4... yes thats right 4 days to a new town!! So also put into effect that we are surrounded in boxes and both procrastinators... and my husband has recently lost his job so are we now in the group of unemployment and talk of the bad economy! Back to the bubble bath here's a good tip---- dont put fruit punch scented bubble bath in your kitchen... why?? let me tell you..... in one word.. ants :) yes ants and to finish the night off i wasn't aware they had gotten into it... so you can use your imagination when i had a 4 year old in a bath and the bubbles ran clear and there were 3 little tiny black dots in the water.. haha... just a glimpse into our life!! Tomorrow I have BIG PLANS!! FINISH PACKING... yes yes i just have to do it!! So wish me luck and i will continue on this new journey along with whoever wants to know.... good night!

1 comment:

  1. so ants weren't in the plan? boys like that kind of stuff. not me though. good thing I have daughters... oh wait.
